Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Hole Reflection

When the book describes about the camp, I could definitely feel that it is somewhere that is very depressed and strict. I thought that I could have never lived in that kind of place, ever. I felt pity for the main character when Mr. Sir gave him orange jumpsuits, and orange T-shirts yellow socks, and one towel. These materials were too insufficient to live, which I could never live. Every three days, one set of clothing was washed and as I knew more about this camp, I was getting sure that it wasn’t the camp that I would enjoy. Especially the way this author describes about digging holes, I could feel how tired they are.

I liked the way the author put nicknames for each character so the readers could recognize each characters quickly. This book is getting more interesting after I knew that people are suffering for digging holes without knowing any reasons. I really want to know what is the point of digging holes.

The Hole Reflection

When this book first explains about the Camp Green Lake in the beginning, I did not understand why this book lake was related to the title Holes. As I read more, I could understand why the author was introducing this lake. The author was trying to show that how this lake was useless, hot and empty. Later those few boys who committed crimes were sent to Camp Green Lake and they had to dig holes five feet deep and five feet wide every day. This part was the point that I started to get interest and think this book was unique. First I thought this Camp Green Lake would be the place where everyone could have fun but realized it was not. It was just the place where people go instead of jail. For sure, when the main character had to choose this camp, I expected that something interesting would happen. However so far, it was not very interesting.

Stanley’s expectation of making new friends seemed quite dumb. Even though he did something bad and going to this camp instead of jail, I thought that he still did not understand the situation and seemed little ridiculous. I still did not understand the part when there was some explanation about Stanley’s dad and his great great great grandfather. So far, there weren’t any conflicts, so the story seems little bored so far.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Character description

Swan Shin was sitting on a couch alone, sleeping. She would never wake up even though people kept smashing her. When a guy finally yelled at her, she slowly woke up and looked at that guy very sadly. Her eyes were full of tears. Everyone looked at her curioiusly. After few minutes, she suddenely stood up, still staring at him. She was not crying any longer but everyone could predict was going to happen next. The guy who yelled at her started to run away.